Friday, June 18, 2010

MegaMiniatures: Painted Skeletons

I came across MegaMiniatures early last year. I didn't order from them initially, but I did sift through their catalogue online several times. Subsequent to that I read a post on Dungeons and Digressions wherein the author ordered some skeletons. They looked great in addition to excellent service and fast shipping.

I put an order in last fall for a group of PC types and posted here that I had a very good experience and really liked the miniatures. Nice crisp figures with minimal mold lines.

Since that time MegaMiniatures opened an online storefront. I placed a second order, this time for skeletons and PCs. There's a bit of a backstory to that purchase, as I tried and tried to paint skeletons as a teenager but my figures always sucked really hard (they were really, really terrible). So, I decided to rectify that wrong and, since I started painting figures again, I put skeletons at the top of my list.

To be clear, I'm not affiliated with MegaMiniatures and I don't know John. All I can tell you is that they have great miniatures at low prices and have outstanding service. I just placed a third order. They now have flat rate shipping.

I can recommend MegaMiniatures to you (again) without reservation.

Here's some of my recent work. Keep in mind I've had a lay-off of a couple decades. I'm still learning and making mistakes. Let me know what you think. I'll post in the next couple days about my DIY lightbox and some Otherworld skeletons and Stirges I've painted. I've also been working on a double-secret project with another Red Box Old Schooler that we will release to the OSR shortly. We aren't letting the cat out of the bag yet though, Mhuahahahahahahaha.


  1. Very nice! I've got most of their skeletons as well, maybe I'll post them when I finish them.

    Nice bases by the way, did you make the cobblestone by hand?

  2. I like the paint-job on these.

    I purchased 2 boxes of the new Warhammer skeletons, as I liked the scale (much better than their old ones) but i've had no time to put them together and base them.

    I probably have a 10 year backlog of figs to paint.

  3. lookin good! these'll be fun on the table.

  4. The Bases are from an ebay store. Check my old posts for more information.
