Saturday, September 25, 2010

In Case of Fire, Break Glass

Ok, so there's a fire in your house/apartment. Everyone has managed to escape harm. You are the last person out the door and you only have time to grab one of your beloved RPGs or modules. Everything else is going down in flames.

What do you grab?


  1. Fate is oh so cruel. Only one? I am torn between Labyrinth Lord and the World of Darkness system rulebook. While the WoD has served me well and has been very inspiring, I have such a soft spot for that little LL book.

    LL survives!

  2. The first thing to come to mind was my Rappan Athuk Reloaded boxed set.... even over my signed DMG.

    In hindsight, it's kind of silly (I have RARE as a PDF too), but that was my first thought.

  3. By the time I decided that, I'd probably be toast. But having considered it, I would make a grab for one of my folders with campaign materials. I can buy a new White Box, I can buy a new Wilderlands of High Fantasy, but those handwritten notes are one of a kind.

  4. I change my vote. Melan speaks much truth

  5. This is a toughie, eh?

    Hmmmmmm. I have a Horror on the Hill in original shrink that I like to look at every now and again, but I'd have to say my original AD&D Player's Handbook. I had the blue cover with the wizard on the front. Too many memories with that book to see it go down in flames. It even had my public school homeroom number and phone number on the inside front cover :)

  6. Kilted: I love the PHB with all your info. Very cool! I played Horror on the Hill back in the day and I recall really enjoying it. If I remember, it has some great interior artwork by Holloway, I think.

  7. Moldvay Basic Boxed Set. I can extrapolate the rest!

  8. Luckily for me, I've got all my Mentzer books, the Moldvay/Cook books, some modules, and a lot of my original campaign's adventure notes and character sheets all in one big file case. Grab that, and I'm good.

    I'd miss my dice, though. :(

  9. I should prepare something like an Earthquake Prepardness kit for my gaming stuff. Keep that good stuff in a backpack and grab that. My Dieties &Demigods book (with Melnibonean and Cthulth Mythos deities), Gamma World 2nd Box set, Chaosiums Thieves World box set in it.

  10. @Greg

    That's a good idea! I'm jealous about the Demigods book, I always wanted a copy of that one.

  11. I grab the portable hard disc containing all my campaign development work for the last 5-10 years.

    RPG books can be re-purchased, after all.

  12. That reminds me, I really need to back some stuff up.

  13. Castle Zagyg The Upper Works. Only thing that is really hard to replace.

  14. I lived through an apartment fire. I luckily only lost some soft materials (sofa, mattress, pillows, etc.). But the fire cost one resident his life and a fireman broke both his thighs when the porch collapsed on him. What did I grab? My phone and my shoes. I didn't even grab a coat even though it was January in NH. Everything else was abandoned. I got lucky. But games are *really* far down on the list of things I give a crap about in a situation like that. And I own the largest RPG collection of any person I have ever met. Some 60+ feet of shelf space. Stuff isn't really that important.

  15. @Tetsubo, of course you are correct. But having said that it was just a wee bit of fun with a gamer hypothetical. Life if short, and then you're dead. So let's have some fun along the way.
