Monday, February 27, 2012

Barrowmaze Print Update

After waiting 10 long days, I just received my hard and softcover print copies of Barrowmaze this afternoon for inspection and editing. Why did they send the copies from the UK when they could send them from the US? Not that I'm bitter over it.

Anyway, there are tweaks that need to be made to the covers and I need to address some minor errata.

I'm hopeful to get these addressed shortly.

When I have another update, you'll hear it here first.


  1. Nice to hear. I literally bought the PDF minutes before I saw this. Seems like a good choice now as the print version may not be for a bit and I have been highly impatient to get to this. I am to do a review very soon on my blog. I'll probably be getting the print version as well, I remember you saying recently that there would be some additional art. Thanks for the update.

  2. Yes, tomorrow morning I will update the pdf on rpgnow and all the additional art will be there. Previous purchasers will be able to download it. If you are going to print it off, wait until tomorrow.

    The funny thing is that they totally screwed up the hardcover the sent me - it had the frontmatter of some undergraduate science textbook before the first page of barrowmaze, haha! I was like what the hell is this? I took in in good humour after the first horror-filled minute. Looks like the folks at Lightning Source are human too :) They agreed to send me a new one.

  3. That happens. I've got a copy of Encounter Critical with kettlebell exercise instructions. Wookie prostitutes with edible poop need to keep fit, after all.

  4. Ok, I've updated the the pdf with the new art. I hope everybody enjoys it! Let me know what you think.

  5. Damn. I was looking forward to Barrowmaze "Science Edition" ;]

  6. I'm excited to get my hands on when it's ready. I've noticed that the play reports seem to contain some custom rules for handling the fear and insanity of the players and their hirelings. Are those rules included in the book, or are they standard for all games your group plays?

  7. I suggest some very simple, yet fun, house rules for insanity and turning in Barrowmaze. They aren't so much "rules" as they are fun ways to think about the characters experience in the dungeon. I do also strongly encourage the use of hirelings. It you click on Meatshields on the right hand side you can see what it's all about.
