Saturday, February 25, 2012

Barrowmaze: Top 5 at RPGnow!

I looked this morning to find Barrowmaze had risen to 5th on their Hottest Items list and has already hit the first "Popular Pick" category as well.

This can mean only one thing: quick painful death for player characters everywhere!



  1. Congratulations! What news about the printed version?

  2. Congrats Greg! My players are nervous as hell about going in. They's only explored a couple of the outside mounds.

  3. Congrats as well - it has a classic feel and really captures what an old school crawl should be like.

  4. Looks cool. And the reviews are good. But I have enough pdf's, so I'll wait for the print copy to come out.

  5. I mentioned this over on Sean's blog, but I'm trying to give you my money! I'm looking forward to when the print version is available.

    Did I miss a preorder option on RPG Now?

  6. Congrats! I'm waiting for the print version as well. Impatiently I might add! Lol.

  7. Still waiting for the Print version to appear on RPGNow.... waiting...waiting... :)

  8. I know! I know! I'm waiting just as impatiently!

    Thank you all for hanging in there!

    There is a WONDERFUL silver lining though.

    Due to the tardiness of Lightning Source and snailmail I've managed to get some late artwork from one of my artists (who is not technologically inclined) that otherwise would not have made print - these are fantastic undead illustrations. Anyway, I will be able to include the additional art in the print version as a result of the delay (and will do the same for the pdf folks via an update by email this week). I might even be able to include something else, but I can't say with 100% certainty yet.

    So there's a downside to the delay but there's also an upside. I know some will think I'm crazy for adding art (additional cost for me), but I like trying to add value - and it just so happens that the situation has occurred the way it has to allow it.

    I hope everybody is down with that :)

  9. That, my friend, does indeed make it worth the wait. That is absolutely stellar news. The other positive for me is that I will be able to review it on my blog in the future when I get it. Right now there are quite a few great reviews out there, and I won't have to seem to be jumping on the bandwagon so much!

  10. Hopefully this week, but I'm at the mercy of mail that's beyond my control.
