I miked a two square arch and then cut a piece of hardboard to size and then cut that in half (this is the same hardboard I use under all my HA pieces). I then bought some wooden stir sticks from the dollar store and glued them on, and cut off the extra. I added some cross beams and some on the bottom to serve as a base. The stir sticks give them a natural look of wood. I made a mold of the mock-up and then poured them in excalibur plaster yesterday. I should have used resin plastic but didn't have any handy (and I'm impatient like that). So here are some pics of the final product. Still need a bit of sanding here and there, but not much. I'll post some painted pics (probably after Christmas).
(As a complete aside, I'm playing in my fantasy football championship this weekend coming up. $500 bucks on the line. Just thought I'd share.)
Nice job on the doors. It looks like they fit in a regular Hirst Arts doorway?