Friday, January 13, 2012

Lulu and/or RPGnow?

Does anyone have any insight or experience with either lulu or RPGnow? Experiences? Preferences? I know the Canadian shipping blows really hard via lulu. I'm unsure where to go with the Barrowmaze project...


  1. You may use both as far as I remember :-)

  2. In the past I ordered several products at Lulu. They are relatively reliable, and the only time there was a postal glitch (I never received the shipment and it turned up at their office again) they refunded the money immediately.
    International postage can be harsh, though.

    Just today I placed my first (POD) order with RPGnow and I was amazed about the shipping fee - four books to England for about 6 USD!
    If the printing and binding of the books turns out ok I can only hope more publishers use RPGnow in the future.

  3. I'm going off of my memory here, but I think Rob Conley over at Bat in the Attic has blogged about that very subject in the past year.

  4. Those are excellent, specifically number 2 and 3.


  5. I ordered the latest edition of Pendragon from RPGNow right after they to POD. Quality was just as good as any Lulu stuff I've ordered.

  6. I'm an international lulu customer and I've never had problems with them :)
    Never tryed RPGnow.
