Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Barrowmaze Session Report

Our most recent session report for Barrowmaze is now available.

Head on over to www.barrowmaze.com and check it out!

Alex, one of the players in my game, even managed to create some verse to mark the occasion.


  1. I really enjoyed the videos of the Tomb of the Iron God sessions. Any chance you'll have some Barrowmaze videos too?

  2. Are the Iron God sessions still available to view?


  3. You want some more videos? Sure, we can probably do that. We have a slightly different setup at the moment. No minis or anything as we have had folks on google plus. Don't know that it would have the same effect. Lemme know what you are looking for/want to see.

    Yes, go to the session reports and start reading from number 1 forward :) http://redboxniagara.wikidot.com/session-summaries

    1. All that amazing Hirst Arts stuff and yet no minis? Alas! (j/k, I understand it wouldn't work for G+ games, but still ...)

  4. I know.

    I actually made a bunch of new walls and floors (custom deals) that I haven't been able to use yet.

    We are playing again Saturday night. Subject to the situation I might be able to bust them out.
